Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Era of Plenty.

Square Lust
Square Lust
Square Lust
I definitely live in a mans world,whichever way you look at it ;) I mean friends, business-partners and clients are mostly men... So, ladies, I need your help in a little research: 1.what are your three fave colors, 2.three words summary your best and 3. what looks more attractive as a decoration: flowers, hardware or paint strokes. Send your words  either at my e-mail or
I`ll  appreciate it verrrry muchhhh ;)
So take my leave after this,  wish you have a good day )


E said...

my fav colors are blue, gray, and white (not sure if that fits with your aesthetic :-). Also a big fan of paint strokes!

Artaksiniya said...

oh, I also love blue,gray and white ;)
thank you )