Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lovely Seed x SquareLust

Square Lust Artaksiniya

Square Lust Artaksiniya

Square Lust Artaksiniya

Square Lust Artaksiniya

Here are Square Lust t-shirts , Lovely Seed collection.
They are limited to 20 each design. Made of silky syntetic sportswear fabric.

And we want them at first to be a things for jogging and sports. 

Lovely Seed is because we do believe that every persone has smth very good inside, which could be developed in really impressive things. As a tall tree developes from a small seed, our accomplishments grows from tiny ideas.


Jasmin said...

You're so beautiful!!!!

Artaksiniya said...

thank you, Jasmin! you are too kind :)