Wednesday, March 20, 2013

In the shadow of young girls in flower...

I know, we all owe Proust a lot for using the phrase so often, especially those of us from glossy publishing, who really makes this words trite, mentioning them as a metaphor  every time a new sweet trend appearing at the horizon, be it flower printed textiles or bright cheeked look.

But, assuredly, my brain couldn`t find anything as poetic as these words for this time!Wearing Comme des Carcons rose jacket from 2013 Fall makes a girl look like a flower, whose shadow is pleasing and desirable...

Not too sugary though, being deconstructed and modern. I`m impressed :)


Nat.Su said...

Wow, I love it Aksiniya! Inspiring like always :)

Artaksiniya said...

"Inspiring" is the best word in the world, when it comes to compliments!
Appreciate it very much, Natalie :)